League Age
Placement in all baseball divisions is based on a child's League Age which may differ from their actual age. Use this link to calculate your child's league age. (Note: League Age calculations differ for baseball and softball.)
Cleats, Glove, Helmet, USA Bat, Heart Guard, Protective Cup (boys)
Optional: Batting Gloves, Jaw Guard on Helmet
League Age: 7
Overview: This is a machine pitch division played at 46/60 field dimensions on Fields 3 and 7. Team sizes are kept small to promote more playing time & development opportunities. No Score is kept during the regular season. A playoff will run during the final week of the season.
Spring Schedule: 10-12 game season. Typically 1 weeknight game and 1 game on Saturdays. Practices are scheduled based on coach and field availability.

League Age: 8
Overview: This is a machine pitch/kid pitch hybrid division played at 46/60 field dimensions on Field 3. The first few innings of each game is machine pitch with a transition to kid pitch for the final few innings. The purpose of this division is to introduce players to pitching and foster the development of the skill. No Score is kept during the regular season. A playoff is run during the final week of the season.
Spring Schedule: 10-12 game season. Typically 1 weeknight game and 1 game on Saturdays. Practices are scheduled based on coach and field availability.

League Age: 9, 10, & 11*
*11’s are eligible to play in this division or Intermediate based on developmental ability as determined by coaches and roster space.
Overview: This is a kid pitch division played at 46/60 field dimensions on Field 2 and 3. The score is kept through the regular season. A double-elimination playoff is run during the final 2 weeks of the season.
Spring Schedule: 12 game season. Typically 1 weeknight game and 1 game on Saturdays. Practices are scheduled based on coach and field availability.

League Age: 11, 12 & 13*
*13’s are encouraged to play Juniors, however, are eligible to play in this division if deemed developmentally appropriate.
Overview: This is our most competitive kid pitch division. Games are played at 50/70 field dimensions on Field 2. Games are often scheduled against neighboring leagues. The score is kept through the regular season. A double-elimination playoff will run during the final 2 weeks of the season.
Spring Schedule: 12-game season. Typically 1 weeknight game and 1 game on Saturdays. (Weeknight games often take place at 8 pm.) Practices are scheduled based on coach and field availability.

13 years and Older
Plymouth Little League does not run programs above 13 years old but works to support Colonial Baseball Association. All players living within Colonial School District boundaries are eligible for CBA which is chartered in both American Legion and Connie Mack leagues to provide a range of baseball opportunities at a variety of skill levels on a full 60/90 field. ​
Visit the Colonial Baseball Association website to learn more.